The Town of Gordo is served by a 5 member Council representing 5 distinct districts and a Mayor representing the whole town. At this time District 1 is represented by Mr. Jerome Duff, District 2 by Mr. Tim Washington, District 3 by Mr. Terence Williamson, District 4 by Ms. Floy Goode and District 5 by Mr. Jim Elmore and the Mayor is Mr. Craig Patterson.
City Hall is open to help with your court needs or any other questions. If you need assistance please call 205-364-7111 or for an emergency please dial 911. Check this site for updates or Facebook page town gordo.
The Gordo City Council meeting is held the first Monday of each month (unless moved for unforeseen conflicts or holidays) at 5:30 pm. in the Council Chambers at the Gordo Municipal Complex at 25226 Highway 82.
The Gordo Municipal Court is held on the first Tuesday of each month (unless moved for unforeseen conflicts) at 4:00 pm. in the courtroom at the Gordo Municipal Complex at 25226 Highway 82.